Friday, August 19, 2016

Painting With Dee! - Episode 1 - Acrylic and Blue Tape on Poster Board

Painting With Dee! - Episode 1 - Acrylic and Blue Tape on Poster Board

I've started a new show called "Painting With Dee!" and this is the first episode.

In this episode, you can watch as I create an entire painting using only acrylic poster paints and blue masking tape. (I wasn't recording for the first layer of tape... sorry.)

In real time, this entire project required at least 12 hours (including drying time). However, through the magic of time lapse photography and editing, you can watch the entire process from start to finish in under 5 minutes! How cool is that?

Ok... so... to be honest, I'm not overly thrilled with the final results. I got, pretty much, what was in my head on the canvas, so I'm not completely disappointed. However, the tape stuck in a few places and tore the top layer of paper away. I don't like the matte finish, either, but I can probably fix that by painting over it with a coat of glossy Mod Podge, or something.

Speaking of paint drying, it sat overnight for about 6 hours and still wasn't dry. Eventually, I figured out how to set a box fan a few inches above the canvas to help speed things along, but... ugh.

I think, for the next episode, if I can find glossy poster board that would show off the colors better, I'd prefer that. I also thought of using canvas boards, but I'd rather have a smooth texture. Just depends on how I'm feeling... I'm thinking of switching to spray paint, too. I've worked with it many times before, and I'm rarely let down by it. It dries much quicker and I can do a few cool tricks with it, but it's very messy and a huge health hazard, so you can't easily work with it inside. We'll see...

As you can see, I'm still experimenting and getting back into it. It's a process.

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